There are many options when it comes time to design and decorate your living room. This can be exciting as well as intimidating. You may want to create a calming, Zen space to relax in after a hard day. Or perhaps you prefer ...
When done correctly, a DIY island kitchen can be a great centerpiece for your kitchen. It also adds value to your house. It's not difficult to get extra storage and countertop space. It is cheaper to build a kitchen island yourself if you are ...
Why not give your bedroom an update by using the color green? You can incorporate green into your home in many different ways: paint, wallpaper or textiles. There are so many different shades of green to choose from, including olive, emerald and ...
You spend a great deal of time in the living room. Whether you are entertaining or watching Netflix, it is a room that should be decorated well. The living room is usually the first place we decorate, and also the first ...
Nothing brings color and pattern into a bedroom quite like beautiful Wallpaper. Many people are intimidated by this idea, believing that wallpaper is too expensive per square foot and difficult to install. We have some good news for you if that's the case. Wallpaper is ...
You could argue that the family room is the heart of the house, even though the cooking may be considered to be the center. The living room is a place where family and friends can gather for movie nights, dinners, games, etc. It's only fair that ...
It is not necessary to live in rural areas to decorate your home in farmhouse-style. This easy, welcoming and warm decorating style is characterized by its casual, country feel. This bedroom is a great example of the traditional farmhouse style's emphasis on space ...
Recently, I had the chance to style a beautiful house located in the Macalester Groveland neighborhood of St. Paul Minnesota. It was one of those experiences that I knew I would love to experience and be a part. I felt it ...
hen people ask me "What wallpaper did you end up choosing for the ______ room," I find myself responding with a classic Emily caveat, "You are going to be underwhelmed... lower your expectations..." Then I show them the sample and ...
Before you get into the details, make sure to consider how to optimize the layout and maximize the function of the bathroom. It is important to consider the flow and function of your bathroom when designing it. It is important to ...